Legend of Doi Chaang Coffee
Doi Chaang Coffee, Single Origin World Class Specialty Coffee
By the grace of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Rama 9
Doi Chaang village is situated in the northern highlands of Chiang Rai Province. The village on of many in the area to receive support and kindness from H.M. King Bhumibhol Adulyadej Rama 9 to improve the livelihoods of people and to reduce illegal drug cultivation in the area. In 1969 (2512 B.E.), hill tribe farmers were motivated to grow winter plants instead of opium. Arabica coffee plants was one of the winter crop provided, and occasionally supported by various government organizations.

Single Origin World Class Specialty Coffee
From earth to cup
Every step in processing coffee; from planting, to selective hand picking, to wet fermentation, has been formulated with extreme care and suitability for Doi Chaang Coffee, accrediting it as World Class Specialty Coffee through various certifications. Unique aroma, balanced acidity, low caffeine content, and perfect growing conditions are only some of the characteristics that make Doi Chaang Coffee one of the best Arabica coffees in the world.

DOI CHAANG Caffè Franchise

DOI CHAANG Caffè , cafes decorated in a unique tribal style with modern, professional and international standard of service. It captures the true feeling of Doi Chaang traditions. It’s warm look gives customers an assurance that they will receieve the best quality drinks and service under a relaxing atmosphere. With mixed elements of detailed decorative materials and interior design inspired by our target customers and location, our cafe still preserves the unique identiy and feelings of Doi Chaang.